Some people are asking - the rest are wondering . . .
What does our house look like? Well, have a look!
What does our house look like? Well, have a look!
The Bathroom! (We don't have a shower,
we have to use the river on our trips.)
J/K!! Come and visit us, you can take a shower,
it's just hiding behind the door.
we have to use the river on our trips.)
J/K!! Come and visit us, you can take a shower,
it's just hiding behind the door.
Oh, I almost forgot - The Storage Room! (Not our stuff - pic was taken before we moved in) This room was the selling point for Mike. It's built-in and attached to the side of the house. The perfect place to keep ALLLLLLL our toys and then some- the kayaks, snowshoes, rock climbing/ice climbing/camping/hiking gear, cataraft, numchucks (sp) yeah - he has them, kiteboard, snowboards, etc. We did a good job filling it. Plus, I had room for food storage!
Le fin du tour du chateau! Hope you liked it :)
Au revior!