However my husband came running down the stairs and said, "Hey! Wanna see some deer in the yard?"
I heard deer. Deer have vocal cords???
I raced up the stairs after him and we stare out the kitchen window as two more teenaged bucks bound into the yard over the fence. Deer bounding is a beautiful thing. I love to watch deer bound.
Everything deer do - they do it delicately. Even if they mutated into a 30 foot-tall gargantuan Deerzilla and went crashing through Manhattan, it would be more like prancing through Manhattan and everyone would stop in their tracks to watch the graceful, delicate sight.
Then one got bored and they started to this:


Until one of them really wanted his Momma. And he made that sound again! I was stunned - I had come to the resolve that deer couldn't speak. It sounds like a nasally. . . mwah. mwah.
After three attempts at jumping back over the fence and losing his nerve, Momma answered him back and that was all the encouragement he needed to do this.

Until one of them really wanted his Momma. And he made that sound again! I was stunned - I had come to the resolve that deer couldn't speak. It sounds like a nasally. . . mwah. mwah.
After three attempts at jumping back over the fence and losing his nerve, Momma answered him back and that was all the encouragement he needed to do this.
The moral of this blog: Facebook is evil and keeps you from having beautiful experiences in your REAL LIFE!