Monday, November 16, 2009

Wintery Wonderwalk

Mike's been working a lot (graveyard shift - blech!) or else writing papers, studying etc. So we haven't seen much of each other lately. But fortunately he didn't have to work on Sunday . . . and church happened to be canceled, so I dragged him away from his computer claiming "Husband & Wife Time."

I wanted to mess up all that snow out there and make a snowman, but we remembered most of our stuff is still in Moab - so no gloves.

We went on a little walk instead. The temperature was nice enough. I still wanted a snowman, but Mike wasn't about to get his hands wet for that.
So I made . . .

Wait for it . . .

(he's a snowgnome)
Easily confused with the snowman. They have totally different facial features though. And he's mini. Look he fits perfectly on this fence post! PUFF likes to watch the river. (don't touch it.)

We found a few other things on our walk . . . a dandelion snow-puff.
When you blow on it, it spreads all around. This was really funny because it also spreads on your face! (the pic didn't come out) and I'm sure Mike wouldn't have done what I asked if he knew that would happen. It gave me immense ruptures of giggles though. (He did however make sure I got a taste of my own medicine - I won't go into detail, but has to do with fistfuls of snow and underclothing.)

Oh yeah another thing I've never seen before - a snowsnake! (dooon't touch it.)

I slipped and almost face-planted in an ice puddle when taking these pictures, so I'm making sure to include it. Pretty though.

Anyway, I was able to enjoy the beauty in this unsummery season.

At least until I slid on a patch of black ice next to the car and landed ungraceful and non-ladylike on my back - feet up in the air.

Canceled Church???

So we had two snow storms come through over the weekend and just DUMP on us. (You can imagine how happy I wasn't) Thus, on Sunday, when we got up to get ready we were told - "Brother So-and-So called. Church is canceled."

Huh? They can do that?

So I texted members of my family to share the news.

And here is how each one responded. I think you'll find their personalities as funny as I did.

My original text: "Church was canceled. Too much SNOW!!!"

Meghan: "Omg. Why do you live there?? That's crazy."

Brandon: "What an excuse. Back in the day Mormons had to travel miles and die in the snow."

Dad: "Too much snow? How can there be too much snow?"

Sean: "So they decided to cancel everyone's salvation. That's cool."