There are three places you can go in the height of Summer heat while in Moab. The first choice is always the River (for me). For some reason, being on the water always feels 20 degrees cooler and if that's not enough you can always take a dip.
The second place are the natural pools that form within the creek nearby and this year being an extremely high-water year, the pools are fantastic and refreshing.
The third and probably lesser visited location can be seen by everyone, for miles - The LaSal Mountains. I haven't been up there in probably 1.5 years and last Saturday I wanted to hike, but I didn't want the heat.
You can see the LaSals here, on the right, in the background. This photo makes it look far, but the foothills of the mountains are only 9 miles away (from our house).

Here's the opposite view - From the LaSals looking down at moab. I love the look of that razorback rock.

I was in HEAVEN. I forgot how gorgeous the wildflowers would be. The temperature was perfect and, if your pregnant, this is where you want to be - everything smelled so fresh and fragrant.

I've got some crazy love-addiction with water so when we got to Squaw Spring I had to stop and play in it - I could've stayed in this spot all day!

Mike pointed this cool scene out. On the next ridge it looked like Bob Ross had painted some "happy trees". They looked too perfect to be real - kinda velvety. This pic doesn't do it justice. Oh well, I tried.

One of my favorite parts of the hike was happening upon these cool critters. Can you see it?

It amazes me how animals know how to camouflage.

Check out these beauties

After all the hiking fun we went down to Ken's Lake and kayaked around (I practiced my rolls). Then checked out Faux Falls - which is REALLY roarin' right now.
The experiences of the day definitely got me more motivated to go out even when it is 102 degrees (and 92 degrees at 9pm -whew.)